You got a job in your field. And you’re doing your best to learn the ropes and come up to speed.

Your boss says you’re doing fine. You’re doing the work that needs to be done. And what’s expected of you.

You’re reaching some goals. And you’ll probably move up.

So… is that it?

Seems like there should be more. 

You’re a professional with unique skills. You got into engineering to make a difference.

Seems like your work experience should be a little more… meaningful.

It should be more than just a job.

Ideally, you’re going to figure out what you want in your career and set out to make it happen.

You’re going to set your own boundaries. And find the opportunities that align with you.

You’re going to work with people to find your path and lead yourself along it.

In short, you’re going to own your career. Because you need to be in charge.

How You Know You’re in Charge of Your Engineering Career

You know you’re in charge of your engineering career when it feels like it’s heading in the direction of your values, skills, strengths and passion.

You know you’re in charge of your career when you feel included. Part of the team. Part of the community.

This is more than just a job. This is an impactful career that brings you joy.

10 Ways to Own Your Engineering Career

How can you ensure you’re in charge of your engineering career? Here are 10 specific ways:

  1. Be the Dream Keeper 

Draw your career vision from your energetic center. And then be the owner and caretaker of it.

Don’t let others talk you into what you don’t want – or out of what you do want. 

When you find yourself heading down a wrong path, be the one who makes the decision to change directions.

  1. Be Open and Attentive 

When it comes to your vision, allow flexibility. Allow it to change and morph with you.

Listen to other ideas and allow for adjustments and pivots. 

Ensure any changes are aligned with you

  1. Embrace Autonomy

As you gain experience in your engineering career, you’ll gradually gain more autonomy. 

Accept that challenge. Become part of the decision-making that affects you.

Don’t leave career care and workload management entirely to others.

  1. Speak Up When Your Workload Isn’t Serving You 

Negotiate your workload when it doesn’t align with your vision. Prioritize your time for tasks that are most important.

Also say something when you’re overwhelmed. Make sure there’s not too much on your plate.

If your boss doesn’t hear from you, they’ll assume you’re handling it – and they’ll give you more.

Conversely, say something when you don’t have enough on your plate. Be sure you’re getting the right opportunities and being challenged in your work.

  1. Tailor Your Workload to Fit Your Status 

The pace of your job will ebb and flow according to what’s happening in your career and your life. 

Be more ambitious when you can afford to be. But throttle back when you’re facing tough challenges. Or when your life needs more balance.

Make tasks easier. Minimize extra duties. Take tasks out of your job jar. Say no.

  1. Review and Prune Your Calendar Often

Review your calendar weekly. Or even daily. 

Reschedule or rearrange things when events interfere with your priorities.

So that you maintain a balance of activities and events that keep you on your path.

And so you’re not overstressed

  1. Put All Important Events on Your Calendar

I mean all important events. Personal and family activities as well. 

You don’t have to label them explicitly. Just block the time so people don’t schedule over them.

  1. Be Selective with Meetings 

Sometimes you feel like you have to take on every task and be at every meeting. Not so.

Attend those meetings that are most beneficial. But say no to meeting requests if you don’t have to be there. 

You can skip. You can attend only a portion. Or you can send someone in your place. 

  1. Ask for What You Need and Want

I say this a lot. And that’s because it’s so critical. 

Remember it’s your job to ask. Your boss is expecting you to do so.

  1. Put Yourself First

Tend to your responsibilities. And consider the expectations of you. 

But always remember you are the most important part of this whole equation. 

Make your decisions with that in mind. Align your work with you for optimal career fulfillment.

Strive to Own Your Engineering Career with Confidence

If you’ve taken on most of these practices, you’re well on your way to being in charge of your engineering career.

I challenge you to strive to do all 10. With confidence.

The 10 ways are a sampling of what I work on with my clients. We can go much deeper into these topics and more to have a major impact on your career fulfillment. 

Learn more about working with me here. And get started by signing up for a Strategy Session.

We all feel pressure to have productive careers. But only by being in charge of yours will you be able to go beyond achievement to fulfillment.

Next time on Her Engineering Career Podcast I’ll share with you how I overcame imposter syndrome.

Be sure to join me for Episode 148.