You know I’ve been encouraging you to have a vision for your career. 

I’ve been telling you to think about what you like to do and who you want to be. Explaining the importance of career care. And development planning with your boss and so on.

It all sounds so neat and structured. As engineers we love that.

But don’t be fooled. 

Opportunities are unpredictable. They pop up when you least expect them.

And while planning ahead is important, you also need to take action when the right opportunity presents itself.

Even when you weren’t expecting it.

Portals to Your Engineering Success Appear All Along Your Career Journey

All along your career journey, portals to your pathway will appear.

They are entryways to opportunity. To the next level. To a pivot. To a beneficial detour. 

Or to a whole new career adventure.

You may not even recognize them. Or you may not recognize that they’re for you. 

You might think the time isn’t right. You’re not ready. That you shouldn’t make such a quick and unexpected decision.

But often the universe knows better than you do. If a portal appears, there’s good reason for it. 

And if you’ve been visualizing your career success and embodying the engineer you want to be, it’s likely portals will appear.

But be aware they appear seemingly at random. 

And know they usually don’t match your plan exactly.

The trick is to be looking. Be open. 

And even if they take you by surprise, consider them seriously.

You may not feel ready. But it’s often wise to climb through that portal anyway.

How to Decide if an Opportunity is a Portal to Your Engineering Career Success

When an opportunity takes you by surprise your decision process is befuddling. 

And scary.

A bunch of questions run through your head, like:

It’s pretty normal to have this kind of reaction. And these questions are important.

But let me offer a more objective way to look at your decision. 

Some insight to help you decide whether or not you should climb through that portal.

7 Things to Consider When Deciding on Your Next Engineering Career Opportunity

Here are 7 things to consider when faced with your new opportunity:

  1. Will It Get You Where You Want to Go?

Identify how the new opportunity will get you where you want to go in your career. How it can move you closer to your career vision. 

It might not be obvious. So take some time on this one. 

It may be a detour. Or take you only part way to your goal. Or simply get you a certain connection or experience. 

And these may all be good options.

  1. Does It Lead to More Opportunities?

Ensure this opportunity leads to more opportunities. Make sure it’s not a dead end.

Specifically, make sure it leads you upward. Or toward more challenging roles.

  1. Is There No Going Back?

Evaluate if this opportunity is a no-going-back situation. 

And if so, make sure you’re okay with that. 

It may be taking you in a whole new direction. Which is great! If that’s what you want.

  1. Are You Burning Any Bridges?

Confirm that you’re not burning any bridges. 

That this change is viewed – by the people who matter – as a good move for you.

And that it can be accomplished without hurting your reputation or losing any valuable connections. 

I guess I should say that there are cases when you have to burn bridges. But they are the exceptions.

  1. How Does It Benefit You?

Determine all the benefits to you for taking this opportunity. 

Make sure this is a move that’s advantageous for you. That your skills and strengths are needed.

And that you’re not just filling a position that needs to be filled.

  1. How Do You Feel About It?

Notice how you feel about this opportunity. Your gut is a great gauge. 

And your intuition plays an important role.

Trust your intuition. Trust your inner wisdom.

  1. Can You Get a Third-Party Perspective?

Sign up for a strategy session with me.

This is a perfect way to get a third-party perspective on your opportunity. 

We can discuss how it fits into your career strategy and help you come to your decision.

If after taking these 7 things into consideration you have a favorable feeling about the opportunity, that’s a good basis for taking it. 

For climbing through that portal.

Don’t Let Details Keep You from a Great Engineering Career Opportunity

Let’s go back to the questions that came up for you in the beginning – when you first learned about this opportunity. 

These are less about whether or not to take the job and more about the details after taking it. 

They shouldn’t prevent you from saying yes. Because there are ways to work those details out:

I encourage you to be open to the opportunities that pop up for you unexpectedly. 

Use the 7 ways above to evaluate them. 

And don’t hesitate to climb through that portal when it’s favorable for you to do so.

These are the choices that keep you moving forward in your engineering career.

Next time on Her Engineering Career Podcast we’ll explore getting ahead in your career by stepping up – even before you’re fully qualified.

I hope you’ll join me for Episode 156.